
Asiatic Lion


Asiatic Lion

About the Asiatic Lion

The Asiatic Lion is a subspecies of the genus Panthera that split from African lions around 100,000 years ago. Since the turn of the 20th century, its range is restricted to Gir National Park and the surrounding areas in the Indian state of Gujarat. Hence, it is commonly referred to as the Indian or Gir lion. Asiatic Lions were once widespread from the Mediterranean to India and Iran, covering most of Southwest Asia, where it was also known as the Persian Lion. Similar to their African cousins, male Asiatic lions have a mane, although it is much shorter, darker and doesn’t cover their ears. Mating is not seasonal and takes place all year round. Male Asiatic lions reach sexual maturity at around five years old while female Asian lions reach sexual maturity earlier at around 4 years of age. The gestation period lasts for between 112– 119 days after which 1 – 5 cubs are born. Intervals between births can be 18 – 26 months.

Latin Name

Panthera leo persica


Dry, deciduous forest & Tropical grasslands.





Conservation Status


See Me At

The Asian Sanctuary

Asiatic Lion